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Pompano Beach Car Accident Lawyer

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A Brief Summary of the Following Article

  • Legal Rights: Victims of car accidents caused by negligence have the legal right to pursue justice by filing a claim, necessitating swift action due to time constraints for submitting claims.
  • Liability Assessment: Identifying the liable party or parties following a car crash, which may include other drivers, manufacturers, or government entities, is crucial and requires a thorough investigation by experienced lawyers.
  • Proving Negligence: Establishing the liability of the at-fault party or parties involves proving the four elements of negligence: duty of care, breach of duty, causation of the crash and injuries, and resultant losses and harms.
  • Legal Assistance Benefits: Hiring a car accident lawyer offers numerous benefits, including handling all legal aspects, personalized service, evidence collection, and dedicated advocacy for justice and fair compensation.

When you experience a car crash, you may be left wondering what your next steps should be. If negligence is to blame for the crash that caused you harm, you may have the right to pursue compensation by filing a car accident or personal injury claim. While your main priority should be to recover from the incident, it is also important that you retain the help of a trusted lawyer as soon as possible so that you are protected legally and so that a claim may be pursued on your behalf. Time is important because there is a limited period in which victims have to bring a claim after a car crash. To begin investigating your car accident claim, contact one of our Pompano Beach car accident lawyers today.

At Hersh Kirtman Injury Law, our personal injury law firm has extensive experience helping clients who have suffered injuries in a car accident caused by another party’s negligence. Our team of Pompano Beach car accident attorneys provides trusted legal counsel to car accident victims, guiding them through an often complicated process and assisting them in their pursuit of fair compensation. Our Pompano Beach car accident lawyers have a proven track record for success and are dedicated to protecting your rights throughout the claims process as we help you hold the negligent party responsible for their actions that led to the accident. 

Who Can Be Liable in a Pompano Beach Car Accident?

Depending on the specific details of your car accident case, there are various parties who may be held accountable for the injuries and losses you have suffered. For this reason, it is especially important that you retain the help of a trusted lawyer like those on our experienced legal team at Hersh Kirtman Injury Law. Our team of car accident attorneys will launch a full investigation into what occurred and collect any necessary evidence to identify the party or parties who should be held liable for the crash.

Car crashes often involve unique circumstances and causes. Sometimes a crash occurs simply due to driver inattention or carelessness. In other instances, however, crashes occur due to vehicle malfunctions, roadway or construction defects, or other non-driver causes. As a result, after a crash, various people or companies may be responsible for what occurred, including: 

  • Other drivers on the roadway
  • The manufacturer of one of the vehicles involved, if the accident occurred due to a malfunction
  • A government entity that failed to properly maintain roads, intersections, or infrastructure where the crash occurred

Once the liable parties have been identified in your case, the next step our car accident lawyers will take is to investigate who did what wrong and gather the evidence necessary to prove the claim.

How Our Pompano Beach Car Accident Lawyers Prove Liability

One of the most important steps in investigating and pursuing a car accident claim is, of course, proving the liability of the parties who caused your accident. This is done by initially gathering all available evidence, including video footage, photographic evidence, debris, witness testimony, and other evidence pertinent to the crash. In some instances, retaining experts to recreate crashes or determine biomechanically how the crash impacted the individuals involved may be required. These efforts are critical to establishing one or more of the necessary elements in a negligence claim, which is required in any car crash case. These are the four elements of negligence:

  • The liable party owed you a duty of care
  • The duty of care was breached
  • The breach of duty led to the car accident and your injuries
  • You suffered harm and loss as a result

The investigative efforts discussed here are critical to establishing who owed duties of care, how they breached those duties, and in some instances, how the breach caused harm. Beginning the investigating quickly is very important, as evidence tends to disappear and memories fade. Should you have been injured in a crash, you should speak to an experienced car accident attorneys quickly, so that an investigation may begin and the claims can commence. 

Why You Should Hire a Pompano Beach Car Accident Lawyer

After suffering injuries in a car accident, your main focus should be on your recovery. However, it is also important you are able to begin the process of filing a personal injury claim as soon as possible, which is where our legal professionals come in. While you focus on healing from your injuries, our team of car accident lawyers will take over the legal aspects of your case, keep you informed throughout the process, and guide you through the claim, which is generally unknown and daunting to car crash victims.

When you work with our Pompano Beach car accident attorneys, they will provide the following benefits:

  • Extensive experience handling Pompano Beach car accident claims 
  • Substantial experience working with victims of car accidents and their families
  • Answers to all questions regarding your case and the personal injury claims process as a whole
  • Personalized legal services
  • Help collecting necessary evidence for your car accident case
  • Strong advocacy on behalf of you and your family in our fight for justice

To begin your car accident case, contact one of our Pompano Beach car accident lawyers today.

Contact a Pompano Beach Car Accident Lawyer 

Suffering an injury after a car accident can leave victims feeling unsure of what their legal options are in regard to pursuing justice. To ensure that liable parties are held responsible and you fully understand your legal options, speak with one of our car accident lawyers, who help you understand your rights and guide you through the process of pursuing a claim, and litigating and trying the case.

At Hersh Kirtman Injury Law, we provide clients with trusted representation after our clients have suffered losses in a car crash caused by negligence. To schedule a free case evaluation with one of our Pompano Beach car accident attorneys, contact us today by filling out our contact form or giving us a call at (561) 208-3700.

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